Who We Are
Our radio stations are family-owned and oriented. That’s right, a dinosaur in the world of corporate radio. In being locally owned we also have a deep pride in making sure our clients are taken care of. We don’t need board room approval to move on an idea or a concept. Making it easier to implement your last-minute advertising needs.
We also believe in community. Whether it be Mexico, for our AM listeners, or mid-Missouri for our FM listeners, our community is where we continue to work, live and love. It is our backbone. That is one of the reasons why we feel the need to share our strengths, from the hourly Community Calendar announcements, to strong news coverage, to up to the minute weather coverage.
We are also very active in our communities, from hosting the annual Relay For Life, Coats for Warmth, Red Cross Blood Drives, to being board members of local groups, charities, and organizations.
“Country music is one of those places where we support each other and prop each other up.” – Chris Stapleton
Our Stations Strengths
One of the state’s biggest signals coupled with the tallest tower in Missouri allows you to listen everywhere in Central Missouri.
Radar coverage provided every half our and sooner when necessary with up-to-the-minute severe weather announcements by our Storm Team.
Cancellations affecting our listeners are aired twice hourly during drive time and once every hour.
Community-oriented with special attention given to those non-profit organizations helping the area communities.
We do not charge for production or normal studio time.
“Of emotions, of love, of breakup, of love and hate and death and dying, mama, apple pie, and the whole thing. It covers a lot of territory, country music does.” – Johnny Cash
Other Station Benefits
Our computer system will give your business a code that enables us to ensure your message will not air back-to-back with your competitors.
Our billing department provides affidavits and scripts for your business to file for co-op dollars.
We do not bump our client’s commercials during political season.
“Let Your Dreams Stay Big… Let Your Worries Stay Small.” – Rascal Flatts
Results Driven Production
The production department uses seasoned talent; special effects; and a wide range of music to set your message apart from others – at no additional charge.
We encourage clients to air at least two versions of their message during longer commercial flights – at no additional charge.
You can change copy as needed – at no additional charge.
“Country music isn’t a guitar, it isn’t a banjo, it isn’t a melody, it isn’t a lyric… It’s a feeling…” – Waylon Jennings
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