No Charges Will Be Filed In Against Fulton Homeowner Who Fatally Shot Intruder
No charges will be filed in Fulton against a homeowner who shot and killed a man that invaded his house in the early morning hours of November 30th, 2019.
Callaway County Prosecuting Attorney made the announcement yesterday.
23 year old Thomas James Payne, was shot and killed by a homeowner in the 600 block of Jefferson Street.
According to the prosecuting attorney Payne was intoxicated and presumably thought the house he was attempting to enter was his own.
The homeowner told authorities he was in his living room watching tv when the door rattled, he grabbled his rifle then opened the door.
Payne is said to have entered the residence and closed the door behind and was repeatedly asked to leave however Payne refused.
The homeowner reported Payne’s refusal to leave and faced with a firearm led him to believe Payne intended harm to him or his disabled aunt.
When Payne took a step forward, the homeowner says he shot him.
Payne later pronounced dead at the hospital.