Ameren Powers Significant Economic Growth in the Midwest

Ameren announced that the technical assistance it provided to expanding and relocating businesses created 2,700 new jobs in the company’s two-state service territory throughout 2024.

In total, 68 projects generated more than $3.6 billion in capital investment by those businesses.

In 2024, businesses across Ameren Missouri’s service territory created 1,574 new jobs and invested $3.1 billion. A few of those businesses include:

  • Boeing, a leading global aerospace company, is building multiple advanced manufacturing facilities as part of its $1.8 billion expansion at its north St. Louis County operations. Boeing’s partnership with Ameren Missouri enables the company’s St. Louis operations to be run on 100% renewable electricity.
  • Western Smokehouse Partners, a leading co-manufacturer of meat snacks, will open a facility in Mexico, Missouri next summer, investing more than $67 million and creating 280 new jobs.
  • Capital Sand, a supplier of frac sand, invested $6 million to open Missouri’s first compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station in Cape Girardeau, Missouri in October 2024.

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