Local Representatives Split Votes On Gas Tax Bill Increase That is Headed to Governor Parson’s Desk
A bill to increase the gas tax is now passed by Republican lawmakers in Missouri.
The GOP-led House voted 104-52 last night (Tuesday) to raise Missouri’s 17-cent gas tax by 2.5 cents a year until it hits 29.5 cents per gallon in 2025.
The bill would pay for road and bridge maintenance by providing around 500 million dollars in increased investments for the Missouri Department of Transportation.
In a phone interview KWWR/KXEO news did with Representative Kent Haden this morning who represents Audrain and Callaway counties, he said he voted in favor of the bill, stating a gas tax defeated in 2018 was poorly worded on the ballot, and based on surveys he sent out recently to his constitutes more supported the bill than were against it.
Haden says Audrain County roads needs help and Highway 54 needs to be extended in order to help businesses.
He says he wants to make sure rural gets its share of the money as roads need improvement and the gas tax has not had an increase since John Ashcroft was governor of Missouri (1985-1993).
Representative Chad Perkins who represents Monroe, Pike, Lincoln, Ralls counties told KWWR/KXEO news he voted no on the bill due to the voters of the 40th District rejecting it on the ballot 2 years ago saying he followed the will of the voters.
Governor Parson has 15 days to sign the bill, making it a part of Missouri Law.
If he vetoes the bill it will be returned to the General Assembly where a two-thirds vote of both houses is required to override the veto.