Multiple Students Quarantined at Mexico Schools After Positive Case at the Middle School
Twenty eight students in the Mexico Schools are currently in quarantine after a positive case of COVID-19 was identified at the Mexico Middle School.
Several parents took to social media last night (Tuesday) saying several team members of the Mexico Middle School football team were not at the game.
According to the Audrain County Health Department the possible exposure could be through school or through Mexico Middle School Football.
The school district administration says they worked with the Audrain County Health Department to communicate with those identified as close contacts and required quarantine.
Here is the statement released from the Mexico School District Administration:
In many instances, a principal or nurse may be the first to know of a student who has tested positive for COVID-19. When this happens, Dr. Tammy Lupardus, Superintendent, is notified.
In this particular situation, Ms. Haag immediately started gathering the class schedule of the student and the seating charts corresponding to the student’s schedule, as well as reviewing applicable video footage, considering transportation seating charts, and interviewing coaches and sponsors coinciding with any activities with which the student participates. Ms. Haag then shares contact information with Audrain County Health Department (ACHD) and copies Dr. Lupardus related to those students and staff members who may be deemed a “close contact” (within 6 feet of the COVID positive individual for 15 minutes or longer, typically one or both individuals unmasked) up to 48 hours prior to the COVID positive individual displaying symptoms. ACHD uses this information in their contact tracing process. Sometimes the health department requires additional information such as team/activity rosters, seating charts, and staff/visitor contact information. Once contact tracing is completed by the ACHD, the list of individuals required to quarantine is identified as well as the last date of exposure and return to school date. ACHD then works collaboratively with the school to communicate with those identified as “close contacts” and required to quarantine.
The Mexico School District is making preparations for a COVID dashboard on our website listing daily numbers of students/staff in quarantine based on Audrain County Health Department’s contact tracing and subsequent determination as a “close contact” and daily number of new student/staff COVID positive cases. We believe this will provide parents, families, and our community transparent information without disclosing personally identifiable private health information.